

Learn more about sleeptrust

About us

We work on one major thing. Reminding the world what a great gift sleep is and to value it in a way that this is reflected in everyday life. Great sleep can be a limitless source of energy. Our goal is to help people who are experiencing poor sleep to sleep better, and people who are sleeping well to experience superb sleep. 

About Us

The Sleeptrust Team

I’m Michael Hildebrandt and I help business professionals like you to find their way back to high energy and wellbeing on the foundation of deep, restful sleep!

Our Mission

Our mission is to give you all the information, tools and guidance you need rediscover higher energy levels with a foundation of a rock solid sleep. These tips, strategies and resources will help you effectively build your sleeptrust with ease. We also offer exclusive small group coaching from time to time.

Our Vision

Be the #1 resource for business professionals who want to raise their energy level and improve their overall wellbeing with a foundation of superb sleep!  

Keep in touch with us. Subscribe now.

Our team

Creative team

What you see here is our core team. This will be expanded by people that are in line with our Mission and that we partner up with to support our Vision.

Michael Hildebrandt

Michael Hildebrandt


Passionate about sleeping and founder of sleeptrust.eu – here to serve you.

Lalaine Alarcon

Lalaine Alarcon

artwork/social media

Digital artist and heart of the Sleeptrust social media everything.

sven hoffmann


Passionate about sleep and numbers.

Museth Given Bunag

Given Museth

Web Designer

Magic hand behind the sleeptrust technology and web user experience.


Contact Us

Get my free 14-day email sleep course for insomnia:

  • Receive daily, actionable sleep tasks via email
  • Learn proven and effective steps for sleep recovery
  • Fit learning into your busy schedule
  • Monitor improvements and enjoy sleeping again
  • Downloadable version of the Sleeptrust Sleepmap™

Course Option

90 DAYS ($997)

The Sleep Recovery
Group Coaching
(90 day access)

  • 9 Step sleep training (3-hours)
  • One Page Sleep Recovery Framework (build your sleep plan)
  • Access to private Sleep Recovery facebook group
  • Group Coaching Sessions (questions via chat)
  • Unlimited email support 

The 90 days access to the training and framework will be granted via the facebook group, to the small group coaching sessions via zoom.


MONTHLY ($297)

The Sleep Recovery
Group Coaching
(monthly access)

  • 9 Step sleep training (3-hours)
  • One Page Sleep Recovery Framework (build your sleep plan)
  • Access to private Sleep Recovery facebook group
  • Group Coaching Sessions (questions via chat)
  • Unlimited email support 

The monthly access to the training and framework will be granted via the facebook group, to the small group coaching sessions via zoom.

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