


The Benefits Of Crystals For Sleep with Sveti Williams

Crystal is a powerful thing formed in nature that can trigger healing


About this podcast

listen to the podcast below:

Topics we cover in this product:

  • how crystals can help us to sleep
  • are there special crystals
  • using crystals practically
  • where to buy crystals

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Additional Materials:

Sveti Sleep Well Program
Use Code GIFTOF50% to get 50% on this program

Links to external resources:

The Benefits Of Crystals For Sleep with Sveti Williams

When it comes to improving our sleep I always look around for solutions that help you. Just a while ago I discovered a topic that was completely new to me. Crystals.

Well and I probably wouldn’t have had a look into it if it were not for a sleep coach that also has a good track record when it comes to helping people to sleep better. The sleep coach I’m talking about is Sveti Williams. You might know her from the book “Fix My Sleep”.

It turns out that she works with Crystals and the next thing that I know is that I am getting really interested to learn more about the topic. The result is the interview that you can listen to today. There is also a video version on youtube so feel free to check that out if you want to be able to watch the conversation.

If you want to learn more about this topic than we were able to cover in the interview I have got good news for you. The first three lessons of Sveti’s course on crystals are available for free. I’ll also give you the link to the entire online course that is available for 37$.


Sleep Well Program: SIGN UP!

So if you want to learn more about Amethysts, Rose Quartz & co. can help you check out this interview and check out the above links to see if this relates to you.

Even if you are not yet convinced when it comes to the power of crystals in regards to your sleep – beauty alone is worth having some around you.

Wishing you a superb & crystal clear sleep

Michael Hildebrandt


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Get my free 14-day email sleep course for insomnia:

  • Receive daily, actionable sleep tasks via email
  • Learn proven and effective steps for sleep recovery
  • Fit learning into your busy schedule
  • Monitor improvements and enjoy sleeping again
  • Downloadable version of the Sleeptrust Sleepmap™

Course Option

90 DAYS ($997)

The Sleep Recovery
Group Coaching
(90 day access)

  • 9 Step sleep training (3-hours)
  • One Page Sleep Recovery Framework (build your sleep plan)
  • Access to private Sleep Recovery facebook group
  • Group Coaching Sessions (questions via chat)
  • Unlimited email support 

The 90 days access to the training and framework will be granted via the facebook group, to the small group coaching sessions via zoom.


MONTHLY ($297)

The Sleep Recovery
Group Coaching
(monthly access)

  • 9 Step sleep training (3-hours)
  • One Page Sleep Recovery Framework (build your sleep plan)
  • Access to private Sleep Recovery facebook group
  • Group Coaching Sessions (questions via chat)
  • Unlimited email support 

The monthly access to the training and framework will be granted via the facebook group, to the small group coaching sessions via zoom.

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