


Christmas Greetings and New Year Wishes

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


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  • Christmas Greeting

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Christmas Greetings and New Year Wishes

Can you believe that this year is already over? Sometimes I have a hard time doing so. But in the end, it doesn’t matter as the time of the year is more a fact than an opinion!

The good thing about this is that we have entered my favorite time of the year…XMAS. Therefore today I want to grab the opportunity to wish you a happy, relaxing, loving, peaceful Xmas time with your family and friends.

Take this time to treat yourself and others like a king or a queen! You deserve to do so!

Often life gets challenging and we struggle to get all demands fulfilled. Sometimes even taking a bite out of our health or our sleep. Constantly looking at the next thing that has to be done – sometimes losing the feeling for the precious present moment. Today is the time to settle. Take that time for a lovely talk. Reflect the things that went good or wrong in the past year AND think about your wishes for 2020.

May all your wishes come true! Have a lovely Xmas time. I’m looking forward to accompanying you throughout 2020 with my podcasts, tools, and programs that will help you to get the most out of your sleep.

Have a lovely XMAS and a happy happy happy new year!



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Get my free 14-day email sleep course for insomnia:

  • Receive daily, actionable sleep tasks via email
  • Learn proven and effective steps for sleep recovery
  • Fit learning into your busy schedule
  • Monitor improvements and enjoy sleeping again
  • Downloadable version of the Sleeptrust Sleepmap™

Course Option

90 DAYS ($997)

The Sleep Recovery
Group Coaching
(90 day access)

  • 9 Step sleep training (3-hours)
  • One Page Sleep Recovery Framework (build your sleep plan)
  • Access to private Sleep Recovery facebook group
  • Group Coaching Sessions (questions via chat)
  • Unlimited email support 

The 90 days access to the training and framework will be granted via the facebook group, to the small group coaching sessions via zoom.


MONTHLY ($297)

The Sleep Recovery
Group Coaching
(monthly access)

  • 9 Step sleep training (3-hours)
  • One Page Sleep Recovery Framework (build your sleep plan)
  • Access to private Sleep Recovery facebook group
  • Group Coaching Sessions (questions via chat)
  • Unlimited email support 

The monthly access to the training and framework will be granted via the facebook group, to the small group coaching sessions via zoom.

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