


[Step #9] The Magic Sauce Of Mastering Your Sleep And Energy

Make sustainable good sleep and high energy in autopilot


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  • getting habitual
  • using our energy

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[Step #9] The Magic Sauce Of Mastering Your Sleep And Energy

Did you ever give away a present without wrapping it up nicely (assuming it was something you could decorate as a present)? Somehow doesn’t feel right, eh?

The same is true if you do everything we went through in the last 8 weeks and fail to do the last step of the Sleeptrust Sleepmap!

Doing the first eight steps will deliver results. But making things sustainable requires you to make the last step on this journey – things that I package together as mastery.

Keep in mind that you are most likely not over the finish line yet. Don’t deviate from this proven path until you went through all of it and got a pro in understanding what truly helps you. You put in the effort – now walk over the finish line and reap sustainable results!

Creating lasting habits

In the last couple of weeks, you did a lot of work. As an example, you figured out what helps you to fall asleep better and found a way to create new rituals integrating these things. Consequently, your sleep improved and your energy levels rose in daytime.

Congratulations! You already did the heavy lifting! As a reward, we can move on making things even easier now. Instead of tracking the things we are doing in a measurement way (e.g. documenting our sleep quality etc.) we can now reduce our efforts to solely tracking that we are doing things on a regular basis.

In short – we are going to use a checklist and control the implementation of our new habits. You can do this with a sheet of paper or a spreadsheet. This can be as simple as shown in the example table below.

However, our goal should not be to reach a 100% achievement rate. Generally, it is much more helpful to plan failure into the process. As an example, there will be days in which you might want to watch a film before you go to bed. Hence it breaks down to the art of setting good goals here. In conclusion, it might be a good idea to set a 5 days/week goal for the TV (screens) example above. That way you can still watch a movie with your partner every couple of days or work and still be in line with your goal. No bad conscious – simply part of the plan.

I’m not here to suggest you become a monk – rather support you to get good – sustainable – deep sleep & high and positive energy during the daytime. So keep your higher goal in mind (good sleep) and think about what feels good and right for your personal situation (great life).

Let’s move on…

Healthy energy usage

Talking about deep, resting sleep we mostly think of feeling

happy, calm, productive, focused, balanced, healthy, and-so-on

during the daytime.

Turns out that a key to sustainable energy (and good sleep) is to spend your energy in the right way. Mainly getting chased by outside demands will lead to draining energy levels no matter how good our sleep is. As a consequence, we want to start our days by spending a couple of thoughts on what we truly want to experience. Furthermore, we want to do this by taking a 360° approach.

In short, these are the things you want to tackle when it comes to sustaining your energy through planning your day:

    1. make planning your day an everyday routine (do this before the day gets you started)

    then plan the following tasks

    2. well being (for your mental or physical health)
    3. fun (can be something small)
    4. relationships (whom to connect with)
    5. most important (what will make the day productive – 2 hours max)
    6. minor tasks (checklist of other things to do, prioritize)

Don’t miss out on any one of these! Doing them will let you take care of yourself, get the most important things done, and stay connected with the people you love. As a consequence, you will be spreading out your energy in a way that energy will reflect back to you. In comparison to being exhausted at night, you will feel satisfying tiredness and have good sleep energy at bedtime. The last surprise – yes, we need the energy to sleep too!

Congratulations for following me through all of the 9 steps of my coaching program. Obviously a series of podcasts and articles are not the same as personal coaching. But a major advantage is that this can be shared with anybody who needs help right now and it comes with zero costs. Furthermore, I am convinced that this system will work for anybody that puts in the effort and will eliminate the frustration of implementing random sleep tips without setting up a clear frame to success.

I’m looking forward to hearing how things are going for you by simply dropping me an email at hello@sleeptrust.eu.

Wishing you a superb sleep and high energy levels!

Take care

P.S. – Mastered is the last step of my proven 9 step coaching system to bring you back high energy levels on the foundation of deep, resting sleep. Don’t forget to download the free Sleeptrust Sleep Map if you haven’t so far and start to map out your personal journey back to superb sleep!


Contact Us

Get my free 14-day email sleep course for insomnia:

  • Receive daily, actionable sleep tasks via email
  • Learn proven and effective steps for sleep recovery
  • Fit learning into your busy schedule
  • Monitor improvements and enjoy sleeping again
  • Downloadable version of the Sleeptrust Sleepmap™

Course Option

90 DAYS ($997)

The Sleep Recovery
Group Coaching
(90 day access)

  • 9 Step sleep training (3-hours)
  • One Page Sleep Recovery Framework (build your sleep plan)
  • Access to private Sleep Recovery facebook group
  • Group Coaching Sessions (questions via chat)
  • Unlimited email support 

The 90 days access to the training and framework will be granted via the facebook group, to the small group coaching sessions via zoom.


MONTHLY ($297)

The Sleep Recovery
Group Coaching
(monthly access)

  • 9 Step sleep training (3-hours)
  • One Page Sleep Recovery Framework (build your sleep plan)
  • Access to private Sleep Recovery facebook group
  • Group Coaching Sessions (questions via chat)
  • Unlimited email support 

The monthly access to the training and framework will be granted via the facebook group, to the small group coaching sessions via zoom.

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