


Naps – Utilizing Sleep Over The Course Of A Day

The secret sleep hero!


About this podcast

listen to the podcast below:

Topics we cover in this product:

  • The different nap types
  • Doing power nap right
  • How to have a full nap?
  • Should I test naps?

Shopping Links (Amazon):

Additional Materials:


Links to external resources:


Naps – Utilizing Sleep Over The Course Of A Day

Having a nap at daytime can rescue your day giving you the rest that you need to get focused – stay relaxed – and feel good even if you didn’t get the appropriate amount of sleep in the night. It is proven that having a nap will increase your ability to concentrate, stay healthier and simply feel better. I hope that this weeks episode inspires you to give naps a try when you feel it would be serving you and share your experience with naps in the comments below.

“Recharge your batteries and start to feel good even on days when things get harder. You deserve your sleep!”


We have informative & entertaining content. But you will only start to see results when you take the opportunity and act on the ideas you pick up that relate to your personal situation. I know you can do it!


Contact Us

Get my free 14-day email sleep course for insomnia:

  • Receive daily, actionable sleep tasks via email
  • Learn proven and effective steps for sleep recovery
  • Fit learning into your busy schedule
  • Monitor improvements and enjoy sleeping again
  • Downloadable version of the Sleeptrust Sleepmap™

Course Option

90 DAYS ($997)

The Sleep Recovery
Group Coaching
(90 day access)

  • 9 Step sleep training (3-hours)
  • One Page Sleep Recovery Framework (build your sleep plan)
  • Access to private Sleep Recovery facebook group
  • Group Coaching Sessions (questions via chat)
  • Unlimited email support 

The 90 days access to the training and framework will be granted via the facebook group, to the small group coaching sessions via zoom.


MONTHLY ($297)

The Sleep Recovery
Group Coaching
(monthly access)

  • 9 Step sleep training (3-hours)
  • One Page Sleep Recovery Framework (build your sleep plan)
  • Access to private Sleep Recovery facebook group
  • Group Coaching Sessions (questions via chat)
  • Unlimited email support 

The monthly access to the training and framework will be granted via the facebook group, to the small group coaching sessions via zoom.

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